Doing your research before you commit your hard-earned cash to any major purchase is smart. You’ll want to determine if the service or product you are considering is high quality. Is it a good price? Is it a good value for money? Are other people satisfied with it, and would they recommend it to others? Is the company behind it able to support you?
This is true for custom wheel finishes. It is a significant investment to get the luxury wheel/rim finishes. They are more than just a cost-saving measure. You should be completely sold on the wheel’s finish before you buy it.
You can trust advertising, testimonials and word-of-mouth to support your decision. But independent research is your best friend. The Specialty Equipment Market Association is here to help.
SEMA is a trade organization that includes manufacturers, distributors and retailers, publishers companies, auto-rod builders, street-rod builders and restylers. All of these people work together to protect the rights of consumers to drive vintage, customized and accessorized vehicles. SEMA’s driving force is a love of cars, trucks and SUVs. Its members buy, sell and use all types of accessories and speciality parts to make vehicles more appealing, unique, faster, safer and more enjoyable.
SEMA’s annual Market Report for 2019 specifically focuses on the custom wheel market. Three important points are worth mentioning:
- This is where custom wheels are purchased:
- 3% of orders are made directly by a brick-and-mortar part manufacturer, and 5% online.
- 13% occur at new car dealerships
- 10% occur through a brick-and-mortar specialty retailer/installer/restyler (and 11% online)
- 19% of these transactions are made in a brick-and-mortar shop like GoMobile tires (and 6% online).
This is the takeaway: Wheel Craft is represented in nearly half of all custom wheel channels. As shown by SEMA data, our ICE (TM) wheel finishes have been accepted by nearly half of the channel. This is a testament to their beauty and durability.
- Here are some vehicle types that can be fitted with custom wheels
- 11% of the cars were up-scale
- Mid-range cars accounted for 18%. (Note: Some mid-range and upscale/luxury vehicles can be interpreted as applying to both categories.
- 14% of SUVs were represented
- 10% of the sales were for sports cars
The takeaway is that Two-digit percentages (double-digit) of SUV, mid-range, and upscale vehicle owners order custom wheels. This is based on SEMA research. Your neighbours, coworkers and friends could be among them.
- 25% of wheel sales are done through tire shops. Wheel Craft has a partnership with GoMobile tires. This allows you to buy ICE-finished factory wheels and tires separately. You can also do this at your convenience. The GoMobile model is about installing wheels in your home or another location.
Similar blog: Aftermarket or. Factory Wheels: Which are the Best?
Luxury vehicles have OEM wheels to provide the smoothest, most comfortable and most reliable ride possible. Why choose a wheel that is not made for your vehicle? You can make your vehicle stand out with the long-lasting ICE finish to ensure you arrive in Style wherever you go.
This blog will help you to understand how third-party independent research can help you select the best wheel and finish for your BMW, Lexus or Infiniti vehicle. Get in Style No matter where you go, fill out our contact form to receive more information about our custom wheel and finish options for factory-installed luxury car rims. Dealers are welcome to talk with us about how Wheel Craft can increase customer loyalty and drive unit sales, productivity and revenue, as well as CSI.